At a time of overfishing and growing concern over the future of our oceans, this film tells the story of one of the key witnesses and pioneers of the first major deep-sea explorations. The adventure began some 60 years ago.
The world’s first deep-sea diver, the first man to have lived underwater, capitain of the Calypso and loyal right-hand man to Commandant Cousteau, Albert Falco lived to 85 years old.
Through his diaries, encounters, photos and personal footage, he tells the story of the great history of deep-sea exploration, shares his passion for the sea and affirms his unwavering fight to preserve it.
1 X 60 minutes
TV5 Québec, Ushuaia Tv, Matinique TV
Sylvain Braun
Ciné-Fête, Terranoa
Palme d’Argent
1 877 320-2040