Arctic territory

Arctic territory


Documentary series

In a time when we focus more and more on the Great North, the documentary series Arctic Territory is of particular interest. Its main objective is to give television viewers a wider knowledge of the North. Filmed in high definition in the USA, Russia, Greenland, Norway, Finland, and throughout the Canadian Arctic, the series will explore various themes: Canadian ownership on inland Arctic seas, military presence in the North, the North West passage, exploiting natural resources, occupation of territory, climate change, and more. The series was broadcast in autumn 2007 on Radio Canada, RDI, TFO and APTN.

Arctic territory


10 X 30 minutes




Ole Gjerstad, Vic Pelletier


Ciné-Fête, Filmoption International


Le Canada sur le pied de guerre, Le Canada sur une mince couche de glace, Le premier à partir, La route des diamants, De l’or et des caribous, Les [...]

Digital Media

The website for Arctic Territory embodies an important source of information on the Great North. Its interactive and animated style guides visitors towards highly-detailed sections which explore the territory, politics, people and risks of the Arctic. The site's actual goal is to redefine our vision of the North.

Arctic territory

Interactive television

The illico site, which complements the series Arctic Territory, allows followers of the show to test their knowledge with interactive games, look through web-cams sited across the Arctic territory, browse through a photo album and contribute to the content by offering comments.

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