Oceania is a TV series that takes you on a journey across the world’s seas, rivers and coasts. As you hop from port to port and island to island, each week you will discover captivating and untold stories of people and communities from the four corners of the earth that have close ties with the deep blue sea.
Presented by comedian, television host and oceanographer Boucar Diouf, Oceania gives you the opportunity to meet scallop fishermen in France and head to Bonaventure Island to encounter northern gannets.
28 X 60 minutes 14 X 30 minutes
Explora, Radio-Canada
Martin Fournier, Robert Tremblay, Guillaume Lévesque and Yanie Dupont-Hébert
Ciné-Fête, GAD
The website Océania, which complements the series of the same name, features an interactive experience. First, host of the show and oceanographer Boucar Diouf guides visitors through the site’s four themes in an immersive full-screen experience where the content literally unfolds before their eyes, accompanied by animations and a soundtrack related to the marine world.
Visitors can also explore an array of maritime wonders such as shipwrecks, coral reefs, sustainable fishing techniques and navigation, and click on various elements to access information or videos.
The website won a a Gémeaux Award in the category “Best digital production for a documentary program or series”.
29 ième gala des prix gémeaux
Meilleure production numérique (site web et/ou application mobile) pour une émission ou série : documentaire
1 877 320-2040