With an estimated population of eight billion inhabitants expected by 2025, providing water for all will be one of mankind's greatest challenges yet. This "blue gold" will also be eagerly sought by a global private sector. Clearly, preserving this essential resource is becoming one of the most important projects for the future of the planet and the human race. What is the actual situation of water in Canada? This is exactly what La Grande Soif series tackles. What is our objective? To illustrate the problems and challenges linked to water supply through a range of subjects, including agriculture, energy, commercialization, exportation, catastrophes, quality, and more. Specialists give their opinion on each of the themes, while providing a contextual backdrop and captivating stories. It helps to have a better understanding of what is at stake, whilst familiarizing ourselves with the challenges we must embrace to protect this precious resource.
10 x 30 minutes
Robert Tremblay, Jean-François Bouchard, Ole Gjerstad
Ciné-Fête, SRC-Distribution
Trouver l’eau, L’eau et l’agriculture, La menace de l’eau, L’eau et la commercialisation, La peur de l’eau, L’eau, source d’énergie, La valeur de [...]
The website " La Grande Soif " presents episodes from the documentary series of the same name. Internet users will also have the chance to discover uncut extracts of interviews coming from the aforementioned episodes. Furthermore, the “Bassin hydrographique” section contains extensive information, including data from drainage systems in Canada, as well as various statistics regarding the country's water supplies.
1 877 320-2040